Poema II, "Pañuelos de La Alhambra"

Dime, corteza centenaria,
si en otro tiempo se acercaron a ti mis pasos
y si al reflejo de mis ojos o el sonido de mi voz
tremularon tus tallos.
Dime, con ese hablar secular que te hace infinita,
si una vez me senté bajo tu sombra
y te llenaste de mí
para mantenerme en el tiempo.
Dime si estoy en tu memoria
como tú siempre has estado
en el impulso constante que me lleva a mi hogar,
a ese hogar del que me sacó un tiempo inmerecido,
un hogar en búsqueda compulsiva
cuya luz parpadea en acercamiento y al que sé que estoy,
por fin,
a punto de llegar.
Si me reconoces, mueve la frescura de tu tierra renovada
y prepara las raíces que festejan mi regreso.
Eres mi verdad.
Frente a ti,
el camino vivido se queda enzarzado en la memoria del aire
y te llevo un presente de pasos perdidos
que se han hecho profundos en los pies de mi aliento.
Dejo atrás un siglo de conatos paraísos
donde otros ojos adoptarán mi mirada.

Ahora que te tengo delante,
mi corazón se pregunta si en ti, como en mí,
palpita el recuerdo.


Tell me, centenarian bark,
if in another age my steps reached you
and if your stalks trembled
at the reflection of my eyes or the sound of my voice.
Tell me, with that age-old talk that makes you infinite
if I once sat down under your shadow
and you covered me
to keep me in that age.
Tell me if I'm in your memory
as you have always been
in the constant momentum that leads me to my home,
to that home which I once left undeservedly,
a home in a compulsive search
whose light flickers and where I know that I am,
about to arrive.
If you recognise me, move the freshness of your revitalised land
and prepare your roots to celebrate my return.
You are my truth.
In front of you,
the known path remains locked in the air of memory
and I've got you a present of lost steps
which have been deepened by the feet of my breath.
I leave behind a century of small havens
where others took my view.

Now that I have you in front of me,
my heart wonders if in you, like in me,
beats the memory.
(Translated into the English for Gordon Mason)

The book of poems "Pañuelos de La Alhambra"

Mara Romero Torres's picture

Mara Romero Torres is a writer and poet born in Andalusia, Spain. His labor is directed to the meeting by the Human Being across the Culture. She is a founder and chairwoman of the Cultural Association Art Phoenix (www.artefenix.net). In novel, it has published " Los lagos del cielo "; in poetry, " Al calor de la idea ", " Cuentos de aceituna. Romances para una guerra ", " Pañuelos de La Alhambra ". His poetical work has been gathered in several anthologies, collaborates in literary magazines and has yielded poems of altruistic form for solidary books.

Last updated September 18, 2011