Love As God

by Patience Worth

Patience Worth

Behold, He sits beside the sea of Eternity,
Whose dead waters are troubled, and Love
Bursts the gateway of His lips,
And the waters stir!
The utterances He breathes, each spring forth
To life, the perfect reflection of Him.
And the waters recede heavily,
To return emptily, and He speaks
Anew through Time. He who knew Him yesterday
Knows Him not today or tomorrow, for He
Becometh a greater God at each utterance.
And man may but reflect Him and follow Him
In His processional magnitude
Through Eternity. How, oh, man,
Mayest thou hope to hear one word of His?
For in the joy of thine own utterance-
Thou art bedazzled!
Behold, He sits upon the shore of Eternity,
And the waters flow their empty blackness
About His feet, but His head is lifted up,
And His countenance is as the lightning,
Or as the beard of the sun!
Yet He is stirred, and His spirit
Bursts the gates of His lips, and He speaks!
Oh, man, He speaks! And creations pour from
His hands as rain from a gentle cloud-bank.
Why? Why? Why? Love is the Law-
Even o'er God! Love is His spirit,
And the spirit is o'er His flesh-
Which is Creation!

Last updated January 14, 2019