
by Patience Worth

Patience Worth

Mercy tuneth the harp of life!
Else it could not strum.
Mercy is the sofest gem
Within life's diadem, a white pearl,
Palely glowing, with a rose-pit heart.
Mercy is a thorn which scratcheth the day,
And the drops that fall at the pricking are love.
Mercy is love's raiment! If I
Might lift my voice in a paean, I'd sing:
Great God, thy tongue is a licking river.
Great God, thy tongue is a lolling sea.
Great God, thy tongue is mist and dew.
Great God, thy tongue is cool and shadow.
Great God, thy tongue is everlasting,
Speaking in words that run like living waters.
Great God, thy tongue which speaks unto the day-

Last updated January 14, 2019