You Obviously Miss Me

by Gregory Sherl

Gregory Sherl

I got into a fight with my more attractive doppelganger. You could be famous I whispered through his tight jaw. I want to lick your cleft. We were boisterous in our intimacy. Sit somewhere cold with me he said. I will watch your heart go so slow. There are snakes in his teeth, the most poisonous kind. He has at least three inches on me, he uses the condoms in the gold foil, and he never forgets to wipe his face after he brushes his teeth. The grammar in your poetry is terrible he told me. He burned a hole through my manuscript with a cigarette butt. White space is white space for a reason. I licked his neck, I got a high. I knew he loved me even though I wore flip-flops in winter. We both went home clutching our cocks.

Last updated October 17, 2022