Sonnet (XII) : O Buddha ! I do wish to follow your golden middle path

O Buddha ! I do wish to follow your golden middle path
And wish not to attach with the mundane avarice ,
So in the river of your wisdom everyday I take a bath
And meditate upon you and try to follow your advice .
Path between extreme self indulgence and self mortification
But o Buddha ! yet I know not extreme of any of my sides ,
So with my own wisdom I am doing some deliberation
And want to see my extremes of these worldly tides .
For then only , I will know you and what is this extreme
And where stands your so called golden middle path ,
For I know you too was like me and too swam in this stream
And then you discovered the painful mundane swath .
So don’t be surprised if you see me touching the extreme ,
For only then I will bow and then will believe in your beam .

Trying to hear , my soul's whisper ...

Neelam Sinha's picture

Trying to hear, my soul's whisper ...

Last updated April 16, 2012