The Signal Of The Stars

by Patience Worth

Patience Worth

I saw the heavy moon come slow
Into the night, and felt upon this cheek
The eve's breath, hung of daytide's woes.
The starry arch spread grey and flashed o'erhead.
The Earth lay weary, spent,
Aneath the moon's cool smile.
I stepped upon the sod bedamped of dews,
That seemed as Day's tears, wept upon the blades;
And looked me up unto the vasty arch,
Wherein the stars showed, ever flashing on.
Unto a far, far star then looked mine eyes,
And dreaming stirred to wake on paths that lie
The sea's deep floor beneath the water's sweep,
Upon some past, and past, past tide,
Did some lone brother tread, and look above
Unto these changeless stars, and dream of tides,
Some distant tide, when I should tread this spot?
When his green fields should perish,
Wiped whither by the torrent's wash, his fields,
Whose damp sod soothed his weary feet? Did he
Then in his heart offer of his own to me?
On the eve's breath did his dreams wing forth?
And hath the sea's wash wiped them
Forever from the day? Or is it not
His very tongue hath spoken unto me?
That even, as the pale, pale light
Of yon farthest star,
His hope doth flash its victory unto me?
Behold thou me, O faint stars of the eve!
Methinks thou'rt all-the jewels set
By hosts long gone. And here
Upon the Earth's green breast I sink
And look me unto thee; and lo unto
Some distant tide would I to pour this soul!
Yea, that some lone brother on his path,
Who, weary, sore shall look up unto thee,
pure, pure stars above, and read me there!

Last updated January 14, 2019