How Have I Sought!

by Patience Worth

Patience Worth

How have I sought, yea how have asought!
And seeked me ever through the earth's hours,
Amid the damp, cool morn, when winged scrape
Doth sound and cry unto the day
The waking o' the hosts!
Yea, and 'mid the noon's heat,
When earth doth wither 'neath the sun,
And rose doth droop from sun's-kiss,
That stole the dew; and 'mid the wastes
O' water, where they whirl and rage, and seeked
O' word that I might put to answer thee
Ayea, from days have I then stripped
The fulness of their joys, and pried
The very buds that they might ope for thee.
Aye, and sought the days apast,
That I might sing them unto thee.
And ever, ever, cometh unto me
Thy song o' why? why? why?
And then, lo, I found athin this heart
The answer to thy song.
Aye, it chanteth sweet unto this ear-
And filleth up the song.
Do hark thee, hark unto the song!
For answer to thy why? why? why?
I sing me Give! Give! Give
Aye, ever Give!

Last updated January 14, 2019