Am I

by Lionel Fogarty

Lionel Fogarty

Am we lonely these days
Am I grief in the wind
Am us friend to nature
well hooked me up and
we'll fish
The dreamed dreams are
opened for wishes to come to life
Am you hurt
Am you to see me
We am and dem gonna
sleep and dreams of my people
There all alone in the mind
Murri stranger came to me
and said, Am I the one outside
you all getting spiritfully
When sun shines in the rains
we find summer here sooner
Treat my mother with a career
Treat conscience with rotten
Women are allowing bodies to
be taken
At last moment of life
Love even nobly came
against my skin
I heard a roo cry
Am I hearing attendants
to my hearts
Am we lovin' in these days
Am I sadden these nights
Forever it possess you man
something must tell
Am I me or you am us.

New and Selected Poems

Last updated January 14, 2019