White Light
A white light,
Wakened in the waters of my soul,
Over the wings of a flying bird
Just as once before...
A mirror of a reborn life in turmoil
Just as today...
Kidnapped from warm verses in rebellion.
White hope,
A voice of life colors without borders
An open canvas of colors brighten
Just as dreams of nights of no return
Of a burning star, steaming hot.
White word,
Raised in the high benches of thoughts
Carved in ancient mythology of trust
In fiery horizons of the west.
White life,
a broken mirror of crossed fates
a deep sea of kidnapped sorrows
just as snow...
Dissolved in the first rays of craziness
Just as a leaf...
Lost in a freezing autumn universe.

Agron Shele was born in October 7th, 1972, in the Village of Leskaj, city of Permet. Is the author of the following literary works: “The Steps of Clara” (Novel), “Beyond a grey curtain” (Novel), “Wrong Image” (Novel), “Innocent Passage” (Poetry) and “Ese-I ” . Mr. Shele is also the coordinator of International Anthologies: “Open Lane- 1, ” “Pegasiada and Open Lane- 2, ” is a member of the Albanian Association of Writers, member of the World Writers Association, in Ohio, United States, and the coordinator of the International Poetical Galaxy “Atunis”. He is published in many newspapers, national and international magazines, as well as published in many global anthologies: Almanac 2008, World Poetry Yearbook 2009, 2013, The Second Genesis -2013, etc. Currently Resides in Belgium and continues to dedicate his time and efforts in publishing literary works with universal values. Has been an active member of the civil society in Albania while receiving training from USAID, UNDP, UNICEF. Is the chairman of the Societies “Environment and Community” and “Children and youngsters”. Is the recipient of various literary prices in Albania.