The Palace

by John Lars Zwerenz

John Lars Zwerenz

Roving on the bright, spacious lawn of the palace,
I have come to behold the lady clad in white,
Who steps onto the the balcony in the sunlight.
I stand below entranced, drinking from a chalice.

Amid the gray cast of ancient stone she appears,
As a breeze blows back the long tresses of her hair.
I am drunk with quatrains and the summery air,
With my lady and with wine, with regal belvederes.

Many billows from God are flung to the north.
The silhouettes of basswoods, of dark, turquoise-blues
Shed their shadows near the palace, on broad avenues.
Descending from the terrace, my lady comes forth,
And we wander for a rapturous hour,
As I finish my Chablis,
Through the garden, through the bower,
In an atmosphere of sanctity.


John Lars Zwerenz's picture

John Lars Zwerenz (1969- ) is an American impressionistic poet. He is considered one of the most important new literary figures in the world, both internationally and in The United States. He has published seven books of poetry, all of which have risen dramatically in price since their original publication. Zwerenz owns a B.A. in English from The City University Of New York At Queens College and has traveled extensively throughout The United States and overseas as a kind of literary wanderer. He has held a bohemian reputation since his youth. Zwerenz's two most recent poetry books, "Ecstasy And Other Poems", released in December of 2016, and "Elysian Meadows", released in February of 2017, have been published by ATLA Publishing, based in The UK. His poems have also appeared prolifically in International Magazines and other anthologies. Zwerenz's poetry is often highly spiritual in nature. His verse almost always adheres to strict, metrical stanzas. He currently resides in The United States, and is 48 years of age., - Rachael Canter

Last updated June 20, 2016