Burt Kimmelman

Burt Kimmelman

About Burt Kimmelman

Burt Kimmelman is an American poet and scholar. Burt Kimmelman has published eight collections of poetry. His poetry is often anthologized and has been featured on The Writer's Almanac radio program, recited by Garrison Keillor. He has been the subject of a number of published interviews. He is also the author of two book-length literary studies: The Winter Mind: William Bronk and American Letters (1998) and The Poetics of Authorship in the Later Middle Ages: The Emergence of the Modern Literary Persona (1996). In addition, he edited The Facts on File Companion to 20th-Century American Poetry (2005) and co-edited The Facts on File Companion to American Poetry (2007), has co-edited various other volumes of literary criticism, and has published more than a hundred articles on medieval, modern, or contemporary poetry.

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