David Rorie

About David Rorie

David Rorie (1867 – 18 February 1946) was a Scottish poet. He studied medicine at Aberdeen and Edinburgh universities, served in the R.A.M.C. during the First World War. He was colliery surgeon and an expert on the folk lore of mining. As a poet he is known chiefly for his authorship of the well-known song, The Lum Hat wantin' the Croon, and a volume of collected poems which appeared under that title in 1935. His medical practice and the ways of the folk of rural areas gave him much material for the popular poems and songs which filled his collections: The Auld Doctor and other poems and songs in Scots in 1920 and The Lum Hat Wantin the Croon and other poems in 1935. Aberdeen University Press brought out David Rorie: poems and prose in 1983.
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