Jeremy Pataky

About Jeremy Pataky

Jeremy Pataky is the author of Overwinter, published by the University of Alaska Press in the Alaska Literary Series. His poetry and essays have appeared in journals including Colorado Review, Black Warrior Review, The Southeast Review, Cirque, Camas, Ice Floe, Left-Facing Bird, Anchorage Press, Chatter Marks, and many other journals and anthologies. For ten years, he served the literary nonprofit 49 Writers, Inc, first as a co-founding board member and later as its longest-running executive director. He is publisher of Porphyry Press and co-publisher of Edible Alaska magazine, and migrates between Anchorage and McCarthy, Alaska. Jeremy's a current participant in the Bonanza Creek Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER)’s In a Time of Change (ITOC) program.
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