Robert Bloomfield

Robert Bloomfield

About Robert Bloomfield

Robert Bloomfield, born December 3, 1766, in Honington, Suffolk County and died on August 19, 1823, in Shefford, was an English poet. He was the son of a tailor and for a long time practiced the trade of shoemaker himself in London. In the middle of the work of his state, he found time to devote himself to poetry, and he composed around 1798 a poem which had been very successful, the Farm Boy, in which he describes the work of the countryside. His poetry is mostly written in iambic pentameters and portrays rural life in its most difficult and least pleasant state. However, Bloomfield’s verse is more uplifting and energetic. He also wrote a collection of tales, ballads and country songs in 1802. In addition to these formal pieces, he wrote many humorous short stories in octosyllabics, a few of which are interesting for their use of Suffolk dialects, particularly in The Horkey poem listed below. His work was a source of inspiration for John Clare (who published his own rural verse in 1820), who praised Bloomfield’s work.
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